Tag: headshots
San Francisco Non-profit Office Headshots, Worldreader
Staff promo photo and headshot sessions don’t have to be stuffy, the wonderful folks at Worldreader brought props!
All the feather boas and silly glasses can’t distract from how incredibly cool this non-profit group is, they’re bringing free e-readers and books to over nine countries in Africa and serve many people more through their mobile app. Literacy is the first hurdle for so many people to overcome and I was really impressed by the passion and enthusiasm everyone at their San Francisco office brings to their work.
Artist Headshot, Jamaica Dyer
Artist Ted Naifeh, Headshot
Ted Naifeh is one of my oldest San Francisco friends, talented artist of teen-friendly graphic novels ‘Courtney Crumrin and the Night Things’ and ‘Polly and the Pirates’, and is currently kicking up his heels in France, which makes me very jealous. (But I’m happy for him of course.)
He also draws a mean Batgirl on a scooter, for those us you who are also comic book fans…

Production Team Headshot Photographer
I was contacted recently by a former co-worker, Justin Barker, who’s been freelancing as a director and is starting up his own production company. Justin’s a multi-talented producer with solid experience ranging from pre-production planning, direction, and in the field shooting. I’ve worked with him in the past on video projects and he’s someone I absolutely recommend to companies looking for a video production team. He’s preparing the launch of a new website, and he hired me to come on set and shoot head shots of the crew and some environmental coverage of them working.
I’m a big believer that head shots are both extremely important to have, but can be dull as dishwater if you aren’t careful. We used video lights for these and I included a bit of the background of the set on purpose to lend some context to the shots.
Check out a few more from on set and in the field below the cut –
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Headshot Sessions – Lauren Wheeler
Last week I did a headshot and portrait session with author and poet Lauren Wheeler. Lauren is an eloquent, intelligent, and passionate writer who has a book coming out next year that I’m very excited about.