Amy and Jason, Livermore Wedding Photography

Amy and Jason took DIY to a new level with their 1920’s Carnival theme Livermore wedding.

These two crazy kids hand-made their decorations, invitations, and save-the-dates; Amy’s mom arranged all the flowers; Amy made several kinds of pickles for the drink and snack table; and Jason spent the months leading up to their wedding day brewing several kinds of beer – each of them unique and delicious. I especially liked the watermelon lager.

Food was provided by a food truck, there were carnival rides, games, and a band. The wedding took place at the Ravenswood Historical site in Livermore on a warm summers day and everyone had a terrific time lounging under the trees, sipping cold brew, and celebrating the love between these two creative people.

More below!

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Seattle Wedding, Jo and Branden


I felt so blessed that my cousin Branden and his fiancee Jo trusted me to document their beautiful urban Seattle wedding. Working with your own family could easily be stressful, but I can honestly say that Jo is one of the most relaxed and centered people I’ve ever met – her hair dresser overslept, so we wandered up to a nearby salon for a last moment booking with a stylist who did a terrific job. Jo and Brandon also have a terrific community of co-workers and longtime friends in Seattle, it was wonderful to meet everyone and reconnect with a few people I hadn’t seen since childhood! Enough about that, though, on with the photos…

More below the cut!
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San Francisco Commitment, a Handfasting in Stern Grove

I’m an enormous fan of the Offbeat Bride blog, and was so thrilled to see one of my shots from this small but very beautiful commitment ceremony show up in this week’s Monday Montage. So, if you’ve found me via Offbeat Bride, welcome! I love to shoot commitments of all kinds, especially alternative ceremonies. This was my first handfasting ceremony, while researching the meaning and origin of the practice, I found this – “Handfasting was originally practiced by the Greeks and Romans. The Romans created a garland made of magnolia, elder and roses. It was then wrapped around the couple’s wrists to signify love and fidelity. In ancient legends, lovers were united together as they “tied the knot” in the tradition of Celtic handfasting.” Such a cool ritual.

Lilith and Michael planned a small ceremony with some of their closest friends witnessing and participating. We met on a perfect bay area day near Stern Grove, surrounded by redwood and eucalyptus trees, while a family of hawks hunted overhead. Michael told me later that he timed the event to coincide with golden hour – which as you can see worked out very, very well.

More below the cut! Continue reading “San Francisco Commitment, a Handfasting in Stern Grove”

Kelly And Greg – San Francisco City Hall Wedding

Radiant, and rainy. Two adjectives which describe my first wedding of 2012! It’s always an enormous honor when a friend asks you to shoot their wedding, in this case I was very touched when Kelly and Greg decided to book me for this day at city hall. We began with the appointment for their license, and in no time at all were standing in the Rotunda, surrounded by their closest friends and the officiant (who was absolutely lovely!). After, we headed up to the 3rd floor to take advantage of the incredible light up there for some portraits of the couple and their attendants.

I love Kelly’s 1930’s inspired dress and hat so much that I couldn’t resist processing a number of their images in velvety black and white – some of these shots remind me of my grandmother’s wedding album images, which were a big inspiration to me growing up.

Kelly and Greg’s San Francisco City Hall Wedding – Images by Tristan Crane

Sneak Peek – Kelly and Greg’s San Francisco City Hall Wedding





















A beautiful bride, a dashing groom and a circle of loyal friends un-deterred by a rainy San Francisco day. I can’t wait to show you the rest of this beautiful civil ceremony. Full post to come!





Point Reyes Wedding Flashback – Liz and Nathaniel

As the days grow shorter, and booking begins in earnest for next years wedding season, I’m feeling nostalgic for these bright summer days filled with flowers and sunshine. Full set of images from Liz and Nathaniel’s beautiful Pt. Reyes wedding can be viewed here.

Planning a wedding or commitment ceremony? I’m currently accepting booking for 2012, contact me for my rate sheet or to request a wedding package consultation.

Point Reyes Wedding Photographer, Liz and Nathaniel

The photos from this day really speak for themselves. A beautiful couple deeply in love, perfect weather, a ceremony surrounded by flowers and a crowd of friends and family all thrilled to participate in this event.

The wedding site was the Old Point Reyes Schoolhouse, the flowers were by a friend of the family – who did an incredible job. The delicious cake was also home-made by a friend, complete with a gluten-free top tier. The reception was held at the Pt. Reyes Station Cafe.