
TcPhoto_lemons_DSCF7980 TcPhoto_lemons_DSCF7978

2017, what a start. I’ve been doing a lot of rage baking, focusing on personal work and getting a big project off the ground.

More about that soon.

There are more wedding photos coming, but in the meantime, I spent a rainy afternoon preserving lemons. One jar of Meyer lemons from a friend’s dramatically over-productive tree, and one jar of gorgeous organic ones my neighbor dropped off the same day we harvested 20 lbs of Meyers because clearly we needed more lemons. Recipe via the maestro himself, David Lebovitz.


Baby Goats at Harley Farms

It’s been a busy spring, wedding season is starting up and I’ve been spending days out in the garden to get a break from all the computer time.  A few weeks back some friends and I headed down to Pescadero to Harley Goat Farm, a small but gorgeous working dairy that offers tours of their facility and the chance to cuddle their baby goats! They have over 100 babies, they’re so cute everyone was losing their minds, myself included.

Absolutely worth the beautiful drive down, but don’t do what I did and wear nice clothes! (I held a baby goat anyway because BABY GOAT.)

Shot these with the Fuji X Pro1 35mm 1.4 and 14mm 1.2









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Fuji X-Pro1 at Lassen National Forest

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We took a much needed roadtrip up to Lassen National Forest a week or so ago, and spent a day wandering the park. It was a relief to see so much snow, although we’re still way under the amount of water that California needs. I’ve been thinking of expanding my Fuji kit and upgrading the body at some point, although honestly what really makes me excited would be a new lens for this kind of landscape work – the 18 or 14mm would be useful. I also have my eye on the 56mm 1.2 for portrait work, as I’ve been using the Fuji more frequently in the studio as well. The above images were all made with either the 35mm or 18-55mm.

San Francisco City Hall Wedding Photography

I never tire of photographing weddings at San Francisco City Hall. It’s a breathtaking building, there’s always beautiful light, and I love how so many different kinds of people are being married under that dome.



Both images shot with the Fuji X-pro1, 18-55mm. Black and white processing in camera.

Ha Long Bay and Vietnam with the Fuji X-pro1


I’ve just returned from spending a few weeks in Vietnam and Thailand during which I gave my Fuji X-pro1 quite a workout. It performed perfectly, even in the middle of a rainstorm. Luckily, we had clear weather for our days in Ha Long Bay. Most of these images were shot with the Fujinon 18-55mm lens, which I picked up as a carry around lens for this trip, and while it’s perfect for vacation snapshots and casual shooting, it still doesn’t beat our the 35mm 1.4 for image quality and sharpness. They’ve now released a 23mm prime that looks fantastic, but costs nearly $900.

